A person with their arms outstretched and wearing a microphone speaks

What's On

Please note that this page is an archive of activity and is not currently being updated.

To help ensure a lasting legacy for COP26, the Our World Our Impact campaign brought the conversation into your home and school through a series of interactive online events, discussions, videos, challenges and more. Let’s continue to explore our role in creating a greener, healthier and fairer future together.

Since we launched in October 2020, Our World Our Impact has reached over 2,000,000 people.

Exciting climate change events and sustainability activities included:

  • School Engagement
  • Community Engagement
  • Family Engagement

In case you missed it...

You can explore and revisit our 2020/21 campaigns on the #OurWorldOurImpact Hub. Browse over 40 exclusive learning resources and on-demand videos.


Our Planet icon - an Earth alongside a thermometer

April - June - Our Planet

April 22 - International Earth Day Celebrations and Resources

On Earth Day, 2021, we celebrate the wonderful planet that we live on and explore the innovative ways we’re helping to preserve our future on this planet.

Earth Day...

May 2 - 8 - HogWatch & Mammal Tunnel

We're joined by Kirsty Crawford from TCV's HogWatch Scotland cititzen science project who is going to tell us all about the UK's twice-voted favourite mammal, show us how to build our own mammal footprint tunnel to use in the backyard and how to be part of REAL hedgehog research.

Hog Watch...

May 21 - BackYard Bio

Celebrate the biodiversity in our own backyard - Magpies are nesting, trees are blooming, bees have started pollinating. Explore the plants and animals that call your back garden or park their home.

May 25 - 27 - Biodiversity Week

Join Glasgow Science Centre as we celebrate Biodiversity Week! We have a whole lot of activities for you to do including Food Chain Tai Chi where you can learn all about the producers and consumers that form our food chain. 

Biodiversity Week...

May 27 - Sensing Climate Change - Museum of Open Windows

Museums are often seen as places of research, entertainment and debate, with their work often extending far beyond their own walls. The Museum of Open Windows, a new exhibition stall at Glasgow Science Centre, instead re-imagines museums as a networked infrastructure  – they are a global set of tools and resources enabling citizen science that is aware to local cultures and environments.

Museum of open windows...

June 8 - World Oceans Day

To celebrate World Oceans Day, Glasgow Science Centre has dived in to the deep end with Scottish Association of Marine Sciences (SAMS) and the Blue Action Project to discover the effect Climate Change is having on our oceans.

World Oceans Day...

Transport logo

March 29 - Energy, Transport and Travel Launch

How does the energy we use and the way we travel impact our planet? Investigate the role renewable energy sources, as well as active travel choices, have in our transition to sustainable living.

  • Energy underpins our modern lifestyles. Discover how these demands impact our environment, and how renewable energy technologies can help tackle these.
  • Have your say on how we can transition away from fossil fuels and meet our net zero emission targets.
  • We get active by walking, pedalling and scooting our way to better wellbeing and a greener planet.


March 29 - The Spark Magazine

Energy is the focus for Issue 7 of The Spark magazine! You can build a wind turbine, meet an apprentice oil and as technician, and design your future mode of transport!

The Spark Magazine...

April 1 - Learning Resources

Calling all teachers! Log on to the Our World, Our Impact hub to access a curated set of learning resources to help you engage your learners in the topic of Energy. These include puzzles, worksheets, quizzes and videos that explore energy sources, the energy trilemma and the importance of energy in our day-to-day lives.

Learning Resources...

April 6 - The Energy Hierarchy

We explore the actions that we as consumers, as well as policy makers and industry need to take when it comes to energy sources and use, in order of most sustainable to least.

Energy Hierarchy...

April 8 - The Energy Trilemma

At a local, national and global level, how are we going to make our energy future secure at an acceptable economic and environmental cost? This is the energy trilemma; a seemingly impossible triangle where tackling one may affect the other.

Energy Trilemma...

April 23 - A Spark of Science

Tune in to our mini podcast series and lets talk energy!

April TBC - Fairer Futures Campaign

Tune in to the Fairer Futures Campaign which highlights different perspectives on how Scotland can move to Net Zero in a way that is fair for all.

Green future logo



We will be featuring new guests sharing their views on Climate Change. Get involved in the global discussion through our social media channels using #OurWorldOurImpact


Join us as we explore some of the world’s most innovative technologies that can help us tackle climate change now, and in the future.

Available to explore on our Hub. 


Tune in to our mini podcast series where we will be delving into cities of the future and how they may look.


Explore our blog where we will be delving into the science of storytelling, how can folklore from the past help us shape our science future?


How can we make space for nature in our Green Futures? We explore the importance of biodiversity through the story of Thomas The Thatcher, a folk tale popularised by Traveller and storytelling great Duncan Williamson.

Thomas the Thatcher...

More stories and resources available to explore on our Hub.


Find out more about one of our ‘Climate Innovations’ stories as we host them for a Q and A session.

CuanTec - Biotechnology...


Tired of the amount of packaging left over from your Easter Eggs? Download our science magazine ‘The Spark’ for a creative way to turn those cardboard boxes and foil into a fun game for all the family. No chocolate needed.

Download the Magazine

Feb 18 –20 - Curious About Festival

Join our digital festival that explores the far reaches of our world without leaving the comforts of your home or classroom. Engage with real climate scientists, join workshops remotely and unearth the wonder of our beautiful planet.

Revisit the festival

Jan 12 - 13 - A Spark of Science 

What do ABBA and Mariah Carey have in common in helping us tackle climate change? Find out in this episode of 'A Spark of Science,' part of our ‘Our World, Our Impact’ programme with Less Waste Laura.

A Spark of Science - Climate Action Challenge...

In this episode of 'A Spark of Science,' learn about the practice of vertical farming and how it's transforming agriculture. As an educational charity, we want to continue keeping everyone inspired with science.

A Spark of Science - Vertical Farming...


Food icon - a hand holds a plant


Dec 7–13 - Scraps

We are teaming up with Zero Waste Scotland and some of the creative minds behind Glasgow’s favourite restaurants to fight food waste in your kitchen. Join us as we challenge three local chefs to cook using the ingredients we let go to waste.

Our Planet icon - an Earth alongside a thermometer

Our Planet

Dec 4 - Questions and Answers with Dr. James Rae

Dr. Rae returns to help investigate climate science further, answer any questions and give advice on sustainable lifestyles by responding to questions put forward by our followers on social media.

Q&A with Dr. James Rae...

Nov 30 - Dr. James Rae: Climate Change, Simple, Serious & Solvable

Glasgow Science Centre is joined by Dr. James Rae to help us understand just what climate change is, why it’s so serious and how we can go about solving it.

Dr. James Rae: Climate Change, Simple, Serious & Solvable...

Nov 24–29 - GSC Climate Action Challenge

Join our Climate Action Challenge with Less Waste Laura to find out positive daily steps we can take for a greener future. See how little decisions can have a big impact.

Climate Action Challenge...


Climate Justice icon - 3 people behind balance scales

Climate Justice

Nov 16 - The Hub

Explore engaging on-demand content designed for all ages and backgrounds. The Our World, Our Impact Hub will contain pre-recorded materials and additional resources which you can view anywhere at anytime.

The Hub

Nov 11 - Living with climate change - Small Islands

Climate change impacts on the lives and livelihoods of people across the planet. We investigate how and why life is changing for the communities who are contributing least to the causes of climate change.

Nov 3–11 - How did we get here?

We celebrate the actions people around the world are taking to tackle climate change, and explore the injustices created by the world’s changing climate.


Stay updated

Subscribe to the Our World Our Impact mailing list and stay updated on news and events coming to Glasgow Science Centre as your ticket to COP26.

Stay updated