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Senior Phase

Visits to Glasgow Science Centre to explore our exhibitions can be supplemented with the the following Senior Phase activities:

Planetarium - The Sky's the Limit: Live astronomer-led planetarium show: By asking the right questions our knowledge of the universe has evolved dramatically. Join us to discover how we know that our tiny planet is only one of billions within an average galaxy within an expanding universe. 

IMAX - A Beautiful Planet 3D: A Beautiful Planet is a breathtaking portrait of Earth from space, providing a unique perspective and increased understanding of our planet as never seen before. It presents an awe-inspiring glimpse of Earth and a hopeful look into the future of humanity.

IMAX - The Last Glaciers 2D: Embark on a global adventure and push the limits of extreme sports with two adventurers as they explore the causes and  effects of climate change.  Travel to Antarctica, the Himalaya, the Alps and the Andes and discover how the planet’s glaciers are rapidly disappearing.  The Last Glaciers captures the fragility of the natural world, the impact humans have on our planet and the friendship and challenges experienced by the explorers during their journey. CfE: Planet Earth | Climate Change | Biodiversity and Interdependence

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STEM Futures is an exciting journey of hands-on workshops and work placements, to spark an interest in STEM and make vital connections to the world of work. Find out more here




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